Scandium is now listed as a critical rare metal by both the United States and Canadian governments and a “made in North America” supply chain is now the focus of exploration and development. The recent Canadian federal Government budget has included a Critical Mineral Exploration Tax Credit. The tax credit would apply to certain exploration expenditures targeted at nickel, lithium, cobalt, graphite, copper, rare earths elements, vanadium, tellurium, gallium, scandium, titanium, magnesium, zinc, platinum group metals, or uranium.
From limited sampling of historic drill core, another rare metal “Indium” occurs in the mineralized sections of the Taylor Brook Deposit. Indium occurred as a resource at the Brunswick and Heath Steel deposits. It also occurs as a possible resource at the Stratmat deposit.
Jaeger Resources has initiated two scandium projects (see press releases July 19, 2021 and April 19, 2022).
Significant modal concentrations of ilmenite have been identified in the meta intrusive unit (diabase - gabbro). This unit can be mapped in the field based on the high magnetics derived from the magnetometer geophysical survey (see magnetic map on website).
The results are tabulated below:
TiO2 % |
Sc PPM |
meta gabbro | outcrop | 3.71 | 34 |
meta gabbro | outcrop | 4.18 | 40 |
meta gabbro | outcrop | 3.44 | 37 |
meta gabbro | outcrop | 3.23 | 30 |
meta gabbro | outcrop | 3.77 | 35 |
The samples were analyzed at the ActLabs laboratory in Ancaster, Ontario. The major oxides were analyzed using the WRA+ICP 4Litho package which employs a lithium metaborate / tetraborate fusion. The resulting molten bead is rapidly digested in a weak nitric acid solution. Analysis is by ICP-OES and ICP-MS.
The scandium probably occurs in the ilmenite but may also be present in the amphibole. The titanium (TiO2) is due to the presence of ilmenite which alters to sphene with trace rutile. Modal estimates of ilmenite range from 5 to 8 percent. Magnetite is also present. Similar scandium concentrations also occur in the mafic unit associated with the Stratmat deposit.
Additional sampling of outcrops on the property for further exploration of scandium lithogeochemistry is warranted.
A property of merit was identified by Mr. Bruce Downing as having a potential for scandium. Subsequently, a Memorandum of Understanding for the exploration of scandium was signed with a prospector who has title to claims covering the area of interest.
Preliminary prospecting was initiated in 2021 and grab samples of various rock types from an Alaskan-type zoned intrusion were collected. The area is accessible via logging roads and the samples are from several scattered occurrences.
The results are tabulated below:
Analytical Method Element Rock Type |
FA350 Pt PPB |
FA350 Pd PPB |
MA250 Sc PPM |
MA250 Te PPM |
LF300 Sc PPM |
GH21009 | hornblendite | talus | 5 | 18 | 65.2 | 4.11 | 59 |
GH21019 | hornblendite | outcrop | 57 | 24 | 91.3 | 5.28 | 84 |
GH21020 | hornblendite | outcrop | 4 | 7 | 108.5 | 5.92 | 104 |
GH21021 | feldspar hornblendite | talus | <3 | 6 | 38 | 1.05 | 36 |
GH21022 | hornblendite | talus | 39 | 24 | 107.2 | 2.81 | 98 |
GH21023 | feldspar hornblendite | talus | 4 | 10 | 40.8 | 1.23 | 38 |
GH21024 | hornblendite | talus | <3 | 12 | 38.4 | 1.61 | 35 |
GH21010 | Altered breccia | outcrop | 180 | 3 | 3.7 | 7.74 | 3 |
Samples were sent to the Bureau Veritas facility in Vancouver for preparation and analysis using their FA350, MA250 and LF300 analytical methods. All samples were subjected to both a four-acid digestion followed by ICP-MS (MA250) and a lithium metaborate fusion followed by ICP-ES (LF300). It is imperative that a proper digestion and analytical method be used for scandium. It is also important that a multi-element scan be done for trace element content which may impact the potential economics of a deposit.
Scandium results indicate that the MA250 and LF300 methods are compatible. It is interesting to note the presence of tellurium and that tellurium and scandium appear to correlate. The platinum and palladium values are also of interest.
The scandium results are very encouraging and a more detailed prospecting, mapping and sampling program will be conducted in 2022. Petrographic studies will be conducted in order to determine the mineralogy. The field-identified hornblendite may in fact be composed of pyroxenes.